Monday, January 28, 2013

Serious airplane modelers in 1938

Published out of New York City.
Interesting dedication for an American publication.  The Viscount founded the Wakefield Oil Company in 1899, later changing its name to Castrol.  I've no idea who Donald S. Bird (with the Maltese Cross) was.

One example of the many aircraft plans included in the book.
Members could even build their own wind tunnels to test their model aircraft!

Among the associated groups, the now-defunct Model Aircraft League of Canada!
The problems of over-worked volunteer newsletter editors goes as far back as this organization!

It's sobering to reflect that this was published in 1938, and a year later Britain was at war.  How many of these Canadian and overseas enthusiasts would have soon found themselves in uniform, possibly not to survive the conflict?   In fact, members of The Model Aircraft League of Edmonton were instrumental in forming the 12 Edmonton Squadron of Air Cadets in 1941. 

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